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France according to...

Sarah espeute

For Le Tanneur, France is an inexhaustible source of expertise that is passed down and complemented. In our view, its beauty lies in the gestures of those who work daily to make France shine. Throughout our history, we have collaborated with some of these people, men and women, whom we wanted to honor in this article dedicated to our country and its hidden beauties.

Sarah is an artist-designer with whom we collaborated to create embroidered tablecloths. She is one of those people we always enjoy meeting, whether under the shade of a Marseilles terrace or directly in her workshop, to discuss our shared passion for beautiful things.

What does France mean to you?

The richness of France is an endless source of inspiration.
I never tire of discovering new regions, new villages, new traditions. There is so much to discover, and I am amazed every time. France is a true source of fulfillment.

In your eyes, is manufacturing in France an important concept?

Very important. We talk about techniques and expertise that should be passed down but are being lost. We must maintain, redevelop them, and consume locally. It is also a guarantee of quality, although we must always carefully consider the details of the design.

What is your favorite French-made piece from Le Tanneur?

I really like the Madeleine bag, which I know well since I
use it every day. I have it in white. I love its feel, its quality, its clean look, and the fact that it is suitable for everyday life. It is as practical during the day as it is elegant in the evening, and you can see it is made from beautiful material. I also like to think that it is a bag that will stay with me for a long time.

And where in France do you love to take your Madeleine?

Without hesitation, all over Provence, the Mediterranean, the seaside. Or rather Corsica! It was my last trip and very inspiring from an artistic point of view. I loved all its preserved landscapes and the authentic feel of its dwellings. I will return there.