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Our friends: Annabelle Belmondo

Model, actress and musician in her spare time, Annabelle Belmondo was raised between France and the United States. She studied journalism, though it was the realms of fashion and cinema that opened their arms to her. For our new collection, we proposed she embark on an adventure, to the shadows of the mountains and amongst the fog of the lakes.

Here is the fruit of our encounter.

What is your relationship with fashion? What do you like about this realm?

I love timeless fashion. For me, it’s truly important to have pieces that I can keep forever, or at least for a very long time! I’m not someone that follows the new trends – my style is rather
Parisian, natural and nonchalant. 

What does Le Tanneur representfor you? 

For me, it’s a Parisian House that dates back quite a while, which loves to create using beautiful materials. It hasn’t changed to follow the trends. It has maintained a very chic, French look.

If you had to choose just one bag?

I love the Émilie bag. I find it’s always beautiful, no matter the colors or materials used.

You’re also an actress and model; how do you manage to create a link between these worlds?

I like working with different teams, changing projects and finding myself in a new city, exploring a place that isn’t my own. Cinema and photography bring me a lot, each in their own way.

What is your next project? 

I’m currently recording
music with a musician friend!

We’ll see what happens.

Women Bags

Men bags


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